Film Still
OVERVIEW One day home is an attempt to realise the dream of a self-built home - and for an individual to explore the possibilities of the use of public space, while nding a way to exploit social systems. A car park is, as the name suggests, an area intended for parking cars, but the project starts with the premise that it is a surface on which not only can cars be parked, but any moveable object. Our rst location, on which the house was built, is at the end of the Alliertenstrasse in the 2nd quarter of Vienna. The area is very urban, with a view of the Millennium Tower, a cafe, a bar, and a hot food stand, and is located at a junction which is very busy, with a constant stream of cars, trams, trains, cyclists and pe- destrians. This place stands in a relation to the local neighbourhoods/communities of Vienna, as such our friends, and also passers-by, were involved. The One Day Home would be built within 24 hours, and then carried away. The main themes of the project are issues of autonomy and independence from large networks, the ability for self-organization, and the demand for rights, in particular fundamental rights which protect the people against the state. Fundamental rights are closely linked to the idea of human rights, which nd their philosophical roots in the idea of natural rights, according to which there are „legal principles“ which are stronger than any law. As an example of these fundamental rights, we wanted to identify the „gecekondus“, a turkish term for an informal settlement or unplanned neighbourhood with simple accommodation buildings. Translated, the term „gecekondu“ literally means built overnight. According to an old Ottoman-Islamic customary law, a home that has been built on public land over night, may not be demolished. Similarly in England and Wales, occupying an uninhabited house, or „squatting“, was legal if it was possible to enter the building without intrusion or causing any damage. This was closely linked to the the old Welsh tradition „Tŷ unnos“ (one night house), where it was believed by some that if a person could build a house on common land in one night, then that land belonged to them as a freehold. The test was to have a re burning in the hearth by the following morning. The second location we chose is the Attersee, because this place connects us to our childhoods in the 70‘s and 80’s. Due to the beautiful scenery and excellent water quality, property has always been in high demand here, and as such has become very expensive, with only the very rich being able to afford property close to the lake. For most people, therefore, direct access to the lake is almost impossible as these properties occupy both access to, and the shores, of the lake. To regain this access, we planned the One Day Home to be a oating home. The One Day Home has its own unique appearance, but it is built in such a way that it is in keeping with the local style. It has collapsable walls and roof panels, which later serve the functions of a jetty and a terrace, with direct bathing access on the lake. THE STORY... The lm, which was shot in real time over 48 hours, begins in Vienna in the 2nd Quarter at the end of Alliertenstrasse. The building material is delivered in the morning by a truck and the construction is ni- shed on the same day, late at night. Passers-by get involved in supporting the construction, which leads to the development of a collaborative atmosphere and the work becomes a social event also. The following morning the house is removed with a special truck in order to transport it to the Attersee. The route driven follows the Westautobahn to the Attersee, punctuated by a stop at a motorway service station. After arriving in the late afternoon, the house is then lifted by crane onto the water where, after safely establishing the house and making ourselves at home, the rest of the day can be enjoyed. Dusk begins to fall, the house gradually disappears into the darkness, and here the lm ends.
Der Film wurde in Echtzeit in 48 Stunden gedreht, er beginnt mit dem Bau des Hauses, das Baumaterial (Abbruchholz) wird morgens von einem Lkw angeliefert, das Haus wird bis spät in die Nacht fertiggestellt, die PassantInnen unterstützen das Projekt, die „Baustelle“ wird auch zum sozialen Event. Am darauf folgenden Morgen wird das ONE DAY HOME mit einem speziellen Lkw abtransportiert. Die Fahrt führt über die Westautobahn zum Attersee, mit einer Pause auf einer Autobahnraststätte. Nach Ankunft am späten Nachmittag wird das Haus mit einem Kran in das Wasser gehoben, man richtet sich ein, genießt den Tag im „Eigenheim“ – es beginnt zu dämmern und mit der Dunkelheit entschwindet das Haus und der Film endet. Das Projekt ist angelehnt an ein altes osmanisch-islamisches Gewohnheitsrecht, wonach ein Haus, das über Nacht auf öffentlichem Grund und Boden errichtet worden ist, nicht mehr abgerissen werden darf. Hauptthemen des Projektes sind Fragen der Autonomie und der Unabhängigkeit von großen Netzwerken, die Möglichkeiten von Selbstorganisation und das Einfordern von Rechten, im Speziellen der Grundrechte, die dem Menschen ein Recht dem Staat gegenüber gewähren.